Class DefaultXMLDialect

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultXMLDialect

        public DefaultXMLDialect()
    • Method Detail

      • defineParagraphTag

        public void defineParagraphTag​(java.lang.String tag)
        Defines paragraph tag. Allows duplicates.
      • defineParagraphTags

        public void defineParagraphTags​(java.lang.String[] tags)
        Defines a set of paragraph tags from an array. Allows duplicates.
      • defineContentBasedTag

        public void defineContentBasedTag​(java.lang.String tag,
                                          Tag.Type type)
      • definePreformatTag

        public void definePreformatTag​(java.lang.String tag)
        Defines preformat tag. Allows duplicates.
      • definePreformatTags

        public void definePreformatTags​(java.lang.String[] tags)
        Defines a set of preformat tags from an array. Allows duplicates.
      • defineIntactTag

        public void defineIntactTag​(java.lang.String tag)
        Defines intact tag. Allows duplicates.
      • defineIntactTags

        public void defineIntactTags​(java.lang.String[] tags)
        Defines a set of intact tags from an array. Allows duplicates.
      • defineTranslatableTagAttribute

        public void defineTranslatableTagAttribute​(java.lang.String tag,
                                                   java.lang.String attribute)
        Defines translatable attribute of a tag.
      • defineTranslatableTagAttributes

        public void defineTranslatableTagAttributes​(java.lang.String tag,
                                                    java.lang.String[] attributes)
        Defines translatable attributes of a tag.
      • defineTranslatableTagsAttribute

        public void defineTranslatableTagsAttribute​(java.lang.String[] tags,
                                                    java.lang.String attribute)
        Defines translatable attribute of several tags.
      • defineTranslatableAttribute

        public void defineTranslatableAttribute​(java.lang.String attribute)
        Defines always translatable attribute (no matter what tag it belongs to).
      • defineTranslatableAttributes

        public void defineTranslatableAttributes​(java.lang.String[] attributes)
        Defines always translatable attributes (no matter what tag it belongs to).
      • defineOutOfTurnTag

        public void defineOutOfTurnTag​(java.lang.String tag)
        Defines out of turn tag. Such tag surrounds chunk of text that should be translated separately, not breaking currently collected text.
      • defineOutOfTurnTags

        public void defineOutOfTurnTags​(java.lang.String[] tags)
        Defines out of turn tags. Such tags surround chunks of text that should be translated separately, not breaking currently collected text.
      • defineConstraint

        public void defineConstraint​(java.lang.Integer constraintType,
                                     java.util.regex.Pattern template)
        Defines a constraint to restrict supported subset of XML files. There can be only one constraint of each type.
        constraintType - Type of constraint, see CONSTRAINT_... constants.
        template - Regular expression for a specified constrained string.
      • defineShortcut

        public void defineShortcut​(java.lang.String tag,
                                   java.lang.String shortcut)
        Defines a shortcut for a tag, useful for formatting tags. Shortcut is a short form of a tag visible to translator, and stored in OmegaT's flavor of TMX files.
        tag - Tag name.
        shortcut - The shortcut for a tag.
      • defineShortcuts

        public void defineShortcuts​(java.lang.String[] mappings)
        Defines shortcuts for formatting tags. An alternative to calling defineShortcut(String,String) multiple times.
        mappings - Array of strings, where even elements (0th, 2nd, etc) are tags, and odd elements are their corresponding shortcuts.
      • getParagraphTags

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getParagraphTags()
        Returns the set of defined paragraph tags.

        Each entry in a set should be a String class.

        Specified by:
        getParagraphTags in interface XMLDialect
      • getContentBasedTags

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Tag.Type> getContentBasedTags()
        Returns the set of content based tags.
        Specified by:
        getContentBasedTags in interface XMLDialect
      • getPreformatTags

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getPreformatTags()
        Returns the set of tags that surround preformatted text.

        Each entry in a set should be a String class.

        Specified by:
        getPreformatTags in interface XMLDialect
      • getIntactTags

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getIntactTags()
        Returns the set of tags that surround intact portions of document, that should not be translated at all.

        Each entry in a set should be a String class.

        Specified by:
        getIntactTags in interface XMLDialect
      • getTranslatableTagAttributes

        public MultiMap<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getTranslatableTagAttributes()
        Returns the multimap of translatable attributes of each tag.

        Each entry should map from a String to a set of Strings.

        Specified by:
        getTranslatableTagAttributes in interface XMLDialect
      • validateTranslatableTagAttribute

        public java.lang.Boolean validateTranslatableTagAttribute​(java.lang.String tag,
                                                                  java.lang.String attribute,
                                                                  Attributes atts)
        Returns for a given attribute of a given tag if the attribute should be translated with the given other attributes present. If the tagAttribute is returned by getTranslatable(Tag)Attributes(), this function is called to further test the attribute within its context. This allows for example the XHTML filter to not translate the value attribute of an input-element, except when it is a button or submit or reset.
        Specified by:
        validateTranslatableTagAttribute in interface XMLDialect
      • validateIntactTag

        public java.lang.Boolean validateIntactTag​(java.lang.String tag,
                                                   Attributes atts)
        For a given tag, return whether the content of this tag should be translated, depending on the content of one attribute and the presence or absence of other attributes. For instance, in the ResX filter, tags should not be translated when they contain the attribute "type", or when the attribute "name" starts with "&gt";
        Specified by:
        validateIntactTag in interface XMLDialect
        tag - The tag that could be translated
        atts - The list of the tag attributes
        true or false
      • validateContentBasedTag

        public java.lang.Boolean validateContentBasedTag​(java.lang.String tag,
                                                         Attributes atts)
        Description copied from interface: XMLDialect
        For a given tag, return wether the content of this tag should be translated, depending on the content of one attribute and the presence or absence of other attributes.
        Specified by:
        validateContentBasedTag in interface XMLDialect
        tag - The tag that could be translated
        atts - The list of the tag attributes
        true or false
      • validateTranslatableTag

        public java.lang.Boolean validateTranslatableTag​(java.lang.String tag,
                                                         Attributes atts)
        For a given tag, return whether the content of this tag should be translated, depending on the content of one attribute and the presence or absence of other attributes. For instance, in the Typo3 filter, tags should be translated when the attribute locazible="1". Contrary to validateIntactTag, this applies only to the current tag, and the tags contained in it are not affected.
        Specified by:
        validateTranslatableTag in interface XMLDialect
        tag - The tag that could be translated
        atts - The list of the tag attributes
        true or false
      • validateParagraphTag

        public java.lang.Boolean validateParagraphTag​(java.lang.String tag,
                                                      Attributes atts)
        For a given tag, return whether the content of this tag is a paragraph tag, depending on the content of one attribute (and/or the presence or absence of other attributes). For instance, in the XLIFF filter, the <mark> tag should start a new paragraph when the attribute "mtype" contains "seg".
        Specified by:
        validateParagraphTag in interface XMLDialect
        tag - The tag that could be a paragraph tag
        atts - The list of the tag attributes
        true or false
      • validatePreformatTag

        public java.lang.Boolean validatePreformatTag​(java.lang.String tag,
                                                      Attributes atts)
        For a given tag, return whether the content of this tag is a preformat tag, depending on the content of one attribute (and/or the presence or absence of other attributes). For instance, in the XLIFF filter, the <mark> tag should be a preformat tag when the attribute "mtype" contains "seg".
        Specified by:
        validatePreformatTag in interface XMLDialect
        tag - The tag that could be a preformat tag
        atts - The list of the tag attributes
        true or false
      • getTranslatableAttributes

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getTranslatableAttributes()
        Returns the set of translatable attributes (no matter what tag they belong to).

        Each entry in a set should be a String class.

        Specified by:
        getTranslatableAttributes in interface XMLDialect
      • getOutOfTurnTags

        public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getOutOfTurnTags()
        Returns the set of "out-of-turn" tags. Such tags specify chunks of text that should be translated separately, not breaking currently collected text entry. For example, footnotes in OpenDocument.

        Each entry in a set should be a String class.

        Specified by:
        getOutOfTurnTags in interface XMLDialect
      • getConstraints

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,​java.util.regex.Pattern> getConstraints()
        Returns defined constraints to restrict supported subset of XML files. There can be only one constraint of each type, see CONSTRAINT_... constants.

        Each entry should map an Integer to a Pattern -- regular expression for a specified constrained string.

        Specified by:
        getConstraints in interface XMLDialect
      • resolveEntity

        public org.xml.sax.InputSource resolveEntity​(java.lang.String publicId,
                                                     java.lang.String systemId)
        Resolves external entites if child filter needs it. Default implementation returns null.
        Specified by:
        resolveEntity in interface XMLDialect
      • getShortcuts

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getShortcuts()
        Returns the map of tags to their shortcuts.

        Each entry should map a String to a String -- a tag to its shortcut.

        Specified by:
        getShortcuts in interface XMLDialect
      • setClosingTagRequired

        public void setClosingTagRequired​(boolean onOff)
        Sets closingTag to true or false
        Specified by:
        setClosingTagRequired in interface XMLDialect
        onOff - The parameter setting whether closing tags should be used or not for empty tags.
      • getClosingTagRequired

        public java.lang.Boolean getClosingTagRequired()
        Gives the value of closingTag
        Specified by:
        getClosingTagRequired in interface XMLDialect
      • setTagsAggregationEnabled

        public void setTagsAggregationEnabled​(boolean onOff)
        Sets tagsAggregationEnabled to true or false
        Specified by:
        setTagsAggregationEnabled in interface XMLDialect
        onOff - The parameter setting whether tags aggregation can be enabled in order to reduce the number of tags shown to the user.
      • getTagsAggregationEnabled

        public java.lang.Boolean getTagsAggregationEnabled()
        Gives the value of tagsAggregationEnabled.
        Specified by:
        getTagsAggregationEnabled in interface XMLDialect
      • getForceSpacePreserving

        public java.lang.Boolean getForceSpacePreserving()
        Gives the value of forceSpacePreserving;
        Specified by:
        getForceSpacePreserving in interface XMLDialect
        whether forceSpacePreserving is set.
      • setForceSpacePreserving

        public void setForceSpacePreserving​(boolean onOff)
        Set forceSpacePreserving.
        Specified by:
        setForceSpacePreserving in interface XMLDialect
      • handleXMLTag

        public void handleXMLTag​(XMLTag tag,
                                 boolean translated)
        Implement general purpose function to handle XML tag/attributes when necessary.
        Specified by:
        handleXMLTag in interface XMLDialect
      • constructShortcuts

        public java.lang.String constructShortcuts​(java.util.List<Element> elements,
                                                   java.util.List<ProtectedPart> protectedParts)
        Returns shortcut string representation of the entry source. This is what the user translates. E.g. for Here's <b>bold text</b> should return Here's <b0>bold text</b0>.
        Specified by:
        constructShortcuts in interface XMLDialect