Class ResXDialect

    • Constructor Detail

      • ResXDialect

        public ResXDialect()
    • Method Detail

      • validateIntactTag

        public java.lang.Boolean validateIntactTag​(java.lang.String tag,
                                                   Attributes atts)
        In the ResX filter, content should be translated in the following condition: It should be contained in <data>. If there is the attribute "type" or "mimetype", the content shouldn't be translated. If there is the attribute "name", the content shouldn't be translated if the content of "name" starts with > or ends with "FieldName"
        Specified by:
        validateIntactTag in interface XMLDialect
        validateIntactTag in class DefaultXMLDialect
        tag - An XML tag
        atts - The attributes associated with the tag
        false if the content of this tag should be translated, true otherwise