Class OpenXMLDialect

    • Constructor Detail

      • OpenXMLDialect

        public OpenXMLDialect()
    • Method Detail

      • defineDialect

        public void defineDialect​(OpenXMLOptions options)
        Actually defines the dialect. It cannot be done during creation, because options are not known at that step.
      • validateTranslatableTagAttribute

        public java.lang.Boolean validateTranslatableTagAttribute​(java.lang.String tag,
                                                                  java.lang.String attribute,
                                                                  Attributes atts)
        Returns for a given attribute of a given tag if the attribute should be translated with the given other attributes present. If the tagAttribute is returned by getTranslatable(Tag)Attributes(), this function is called to further test the attribute within its context. This allows for example the OpenXML filter to not translate the value attribute of Target, except if TargetMode is External
        Specified by:
        validateTranslatableTagAttribute in interface XMLDialect
        validateTranslatableTagAttribute in class DefaultXMLDialect