Class AbstractAutoCompleterView

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractAutoCompleterView

        public AbstractAutoCompleterView​(java.lang.String name)
        Creates a new auto-completer view.
        name - the name of this view
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        the name
      • setParent

        public void setParent​(AutoCompleter completer)
        Set the AutoCompleter that this view belongs to.
        completer -
      • getTokenizer

        public ITokenizer getTokenizer()
        Return the tokenizer for use with the view. Custom views should override this if they have special tokenization needs.
      • getTargetLanguage

        public Language getTargetLanguage()
        Return the target language currently in use.
      • processKeys

        public abstract boolean processKeys​(java.awt.event.KeyEvent e)
        Process the autocompletion keys
        e - the key event to process
        true if a key has been processed, false if otherwise.
      • getRowCount

        public abstract int getRowCount()
        return the size of the data list / array.
      • getPreferredHeight

        public abstract int getPreferredHeight()
        get the preferred height of the component
      • getPreferredWidth

        public abstract int getPreferredWidth()
        get the preferred width of the component
      • getSelectedValue

        public abstract AutoCompleterItem getSelectedValue()
        get the selected value
      • updateViewData

        public abstract void updateViewData()
        Update the view data
      • getViewContent

        public abstract java.awt.Component getViewContent()
        Obtain the content to put in the autocompleter popup. The view should also do any other preparation necessary for display.
        the component to show in the autocompleter popup
      • shouldPopUp

        public abstract boolean shouldPopUp()
        Return true to indicate that the view has relevant contextual suggestions that merit displaying the AutoCompleter popup unprompted.
        Whether or not the AutoCompleter should appear
      • shouldCloseOnSelection

        public boolean shouldCloseOnSelection()
        Indicates whether or not the AutoCompleter should close by default when the user confirms a selection. Override and return false to keep the popup open.
        Whether or not the AutoCompleter popup should close upon selection