Class AbstractZipFilter

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractZipFilter

        public AbstractZipFilter()
    • Method Detail

      • isSourceEncodingVariable

        public boolean isSourceEncodingVariable()
        Description copied from class: AbstractFilter
        Whether source encoding can be varied by the user.

        True means that OmegaT should handle all the encoding mess.

        Return false to state that your filter doesn't need encoding management provided by OmegaT, because it either autodetects the encoding based on file contents (like HTML filter does) or the encoding is fixed (like in OpenOffice files).

        Specified by:
        isSourceEncodingVariable in interface IFilter
        Specified by:
        isSourceEncodingVariable in class AbstractFilter
        whether source encoding can be changed by the user
      • isTargetEncodingVariable

        public boolean isTargetEncodingVariable()
        Description copied from class: AbstractFilter
        Whether target encoding can be varied by the user.

        True means that OmegaT should handle all the encoding mess.

        Return false to state that your filter doesn't need encoding management provided by OmegaT, because the encoding is fixed (like in OpenOffice files), or for some other reason.

        Specified by:
        isTargetEncodingVariable in interface IFilter
        Specified by:
        isTargetEncodingVariable in class AbstractFilter
        whether target encoding can be changed by the user
      • isFileSupported

        public boolean isFileSupported​( inFile,
                                       java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> config,
                                       FilterContext context)
        Description copied from class: AbstractFilter
        Returns whether the file is supported by the filter, given the file and possible file's encoding ( null encoding means autodetect). Default implementation creates a reader and calls AbstractFilter.isFileSupported(BufferedReader). You should override only one of the two.

        For example, DocBook files have .xml extension, as possibly many other XML files, so the filter should check a DTD of the document.

        Specified by:
        isFileSupported in interface IFilter
        isFileSupported in class AbstractFilter
        inFile - Source file.
        config - filter's configuration options
        context - Filter context.
        Does the filter support the file.