Class ResXFilter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ResXFilter
    extends XMLFilter
    Filter for ResX files.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResXFilter

        public ResXFilter()
        Creates a new instance of ResXFilter
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultInstances

        public Instance[] getDefaultInstances()
        The default list of filter instances that this filter class has. One filter class may have different filter instances, different by source file mask, encoding of the source file etc.

        There is one pattern for when no source language or source culture are present in the filename, one for when only a source language is present and one for when both source language and source culture are present. In all three cases, the source language and/or source culture are eaten from the filename, assuming the source language/culture use '.' (dot) as the separator.

        Note that the user may change the instances freely.

        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstances in interface IFilter
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstances in class AbstractFilter
        Default filter instances
      • tagStart

        public void tagStart​(java.lang.String path,
                             org.xml.sax.Attributes atts)
        tagStart in class XMLFilter
      • tagEnd

        public void tagEnd​(java.lang.String path)
        tagEnd in class XMLFilter
      • text

        public void text​(java.lang.String text)
        text in class XMLFilter
      • translate

        public java.lang.String translate​(java.lang.String entry,
                                          java.util.List<ProtectedPart> protectedParts)
        Description copied from class: XMLFilter
        The method the Handler would call to pass translatable content to OmegaT core and receive translation.
        translate in class XMLFilter