Class SrtFilter

    • Constructor Detail

      • SrtFilter

        public SrtFilter()
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultInstances

        public Instance[] getDefaultInstances()
        Description copied from class: AbstractFilter
        The default list of filter instances that this filter class has. One filter class may have different filter instances, different by source file mask, encoding of the source file etc.

        Note that the user may change the instances freely.

        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstances in interface IFilter
        Specified by:
        getDefaultInstances in class AbstractFilter
        Default filter instances
      • isSourceEncodingVariable

        public boolean isSourceEncodingVariable()
        Description copied from class: AbstractFilter
        Whether source encoding can be varied by the user.

        True means that OmegaT should handle all the encoding mess.

        Return false to state that your filter doesn't need encoding management provided by OmegaT, because it either autodetects the encoding based on file contents (like HTML filter does) or the encoding is fixed (like in OpenOffice files).

        Specified by:
        isSourceEncodingVariable in interface IFilter
        Specified by:
        isSourceEncodingVariable in class AbstractFilter
        whether source encoding can be changed by the user
      • isTargetEncodingVariable

        public boolean isTargetEncodingVariable()
        Description copied from class: AbstractFilter
        Whether target encoding can be varied by the user.

        True means that OmegaT should handle all the encoding mess.

        Return false to state that your filter doesn't need encoding management provided by OmegaT, because the encoding is fixed (like in OpenOffice files), or for some other reason.

        Specified by:
        isTargetEncodingVariable in interface IFilter
        Specified by:
        isTargetEncodingVariable in class AbstractFilter
        whether target encoding can be changed by the user