Class XHTMLOptions

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class XHTMLOptions
    extends java.lang.Object
    * Options for XHTML filter. Serializable to allow saving to / reading from configuration file.

    XHTML filter have the following options ([+] means default on).
    Translatable attributes:

    • [+] href
    • [+] src
    • [+] lang
    • [+] hreflang
    • [+] value
    • [+] value (of buttons)
    Start a new paragraph on breaks (<br>) []
    Skip text matchin regExp [] Skip content of meta-tag when any of the given attibutename-value pairs is present in the tag
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean getParagraphOnBr()
      Returns whether a new paragraph should be started on BR.
      java.lang.String getSkipMeta()
      Returns the meta-tag attribute key-value pairs of which meta-tags should not be translated
      java.lang.String getSkipRegExp()
      Returns the regular expression that matches text not to be translated
      boolean getTranslateButtonValue()
      Returns whether button value attributes should be translated.
      boolean getTranslateHref()
      Returns whether href attributes should be translated.
      boolean getTranslateHreflang()
      Returns whether hreflang attributes should be translated.
      boolean getTranslateLang()
      Returns whether lang attributes should be translated.
      boolean getTranslateSrc()
      Returns whether src attributes should be translated.
      boolean getTranslateValue()
      Returns whether value attributes should be translated.
      void setParagraphOnBr​(boolean paragraphOnBr)
      Sets whether a new paragraph should be started on BR.
      void setSkipMeta​(java.lang.String skipMeta)
      Sets the meta-tag attribute key-value pairs of which meta-tags should not be translated
      void setSkipRegExp​(java.lang.String skipRegExp)
      Sets the regular expression that matches text not to be translated
      void setTranslateButtonValue​(boolean translateButtonValue)
      Sets whether button value attributes should be translated.
      void setTranslateHref​(boolean translateHref)
      Sets whether href attributes should be translated.
      void setTranslateHreflang​(boolean translateHreflang)
      Sets whether hreflang attributes should be translated.
      void setTranslateLang​(boolean translateLang)
      Sets whether lang attributes should be translated.
      void setTranslateSrc​(boolean translateSrc)
      Sets whether src attributes should be translated.
      void setTranslateValue​(boolean translateValue)
      Sets whether value attributes should be translated.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • XHTMLOptions

        public XHTMLOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getTranslateHref

        public boolean getTranslateHref()
        Returns whether href attributes should be translated.
      • setTranslateHref

        public void setTranslateHref​(boolean translateHref)
        Sets whether href attributes should be translated.
      • getTranslateSrc

        public boolean getTranslateSrc()
        Returns whether src attributes should be translated.
      • setTranslateSrc

        public void setTranslateSrc​(boolean translateSrc)
        Sets whether src attributes should be translated.
      • getTranslateLang

        public boolean getTranslateLang()
        Returns whether lang attributes should be translated.
      • setTranslateLang

        public void setTranslateLang​(boolean translateLang)
        Sets whether lang attributes should be translated.
      • getTranslateHreflang

        public boolean getTranslateHreflang()
        Returns whether hreflang attributes should be translated.
      • setTranslateHreflang

        public void setTranslateHreflang​(boolean translateHreflang)
        Sets whether hreflang attributes should be translated.
      • setTranslateValue

        public void setTranslateValue​(boolean translateValue)
        Sets whether value attributes should be translated.
      • getTranslateValue

        public boolean getTranslateValue()
        Returns whether value attributes should be translated.
      • setTranslateButtonValue

        public void setTranslateButtonValue​(boolean translateButtonValue)
        Sets whether button value attributes should be translated.
      • getTranslateButtonValue

        public boolean getTranslateButtonValue()
        Returns whether button value attributes should be translated.
      • getParagraphOnBr

        public boolean getParagraphOnBr()
        Returns whether a new paragraph should be started on BR.
      • setParagraphOnBr

        public void setParagraphOnBr​(boolean paragraphOnBr)
        Sets whether a new paragraph should be started on BR.
      • getSkipRegExp

        public java.lang.String getSkipRegExp()
        Returns the regular expression that matches text not to be translated
      • setSkipRegExp

        public void setSkipRegExp​(java.lang.String skipRegExp)
        Sets the regular expression that matches text not to be translated
      • getSkipMeta

        public java.lang.String getSkipMeta()
        Returns the meta-tag attribute key-value pairs of which meta-tags should not be translated
      • setSkipMeta

        public void setSkipMeta​(java.lang.String skipMeta)
        Sets the meta-tag attribute key-value pairs of which meta-tags should not be translated