Class OpenXMLOptions

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class OpenXMLOptions
    extends java.lang.Object
    Options for OpenXML filter. Serializable to allow saving to / reading from configuration file.

    OpenDoc filter have the following options ([+] means default on). Translatable elements:

    • [] Hidden text (Word)
    • [+] Comments (Word, Excel)
    • [+] Footnotes (Word)
    • [+] Endnotes (Words)
    • [+] Header (Words)
    • [+] Footer (Words)
    • [+] Slide comments (PowerPoint)
    • [] Slide Masters (PowerPoint)
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • OpenXMLOptions

        public OpenXMLOptions()
    • Method Detail

      • getTranslateHiddenText

        public boolean getTranslateHiddenText()
        Returns whether Hidden Text should be translated.
      • setTranslateHiddenText

        public void setTranslateHiddenText​(boolean translateHiddenText)
        Sets whether Hidden Text should be translated.
      • getTranslateComments

        public boolean getTranslateComments()
        Returns whether Commments should be translated.
      • setTranslateComments

        public void setTranslateComments​(boolean translateComments)
        Sets whether Comments should be translated.
      • getTranslateFootnotes

        public boolean getTranslateFootnotes()
        Returns whether Footnotes should be translated.
      • setTranslateFootnotes

        public void setTranslateFootnotes​(boolean translateFootnotes)
        Sets whether Footnotes should be translated.
      • getTranslateEndnotes

        public boolean getTranslateEndnotes()
        Returns whether Endnotes should be translated.
      • setTranslateEndnotes

        public void setTranslateEndnotes​(boolean translateEndnotes)
        Sets whether Footnotes should be translated.
      • getTranslateHeaders

        public boolean getTranslateHeaders()
        Returns whether Headers should be translated.
      • setTranslateHeaders

        public void setTranslateHeaders​(boolean translateHeaders)
        Sets whether Headers should be translated.
      • getTranslateFooters

        public boolean getTranslateFooters()
        Returns whether Footers should be translated.
      • setTranslateFooters

        public void setTranslateFooters​(boolean translateFooters)
        Sets whether Footers should be translated.
      • getTranslateExcelComments

        public boolean getTranslateExcelComments()
        Returns whether Excel Comments should be translated.
      • setTranslateExcelComments

        public void setTranslateExcelComments​(boolean translateExcelComments)
        Sets whether Excel Comments should be translated.
      • getTranslateSlideComments

        public boolean getTranslateSlideComments()
        Returns whether Slide Comments should be translated.
      • setTranslateSlideComments

        public void setTranslateSlideComments​(boolean translateSlideComments)
        Sets whether Slide Comments should be translated.
      • getTranslateSlideMasters

        public boolean getTranslateSlideMasters()
        Returns whether Slide Masters should be translated.
      • setTranslateSlideMasters

        public void setTranslateSlideMasters​(boolean translateSlideMasters)
        Sets whether Slide Masters should be translated.