Package gen.core.tbx

Class ObjectFactory

  • public class ObjectFactory
    extends java.lang.Object
    This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the gen.core.tbx package.

    An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically construct new instances of the Java representation for XML content. The Java representation of XML content can consist of schema derived interfaces and classes representing the binding of schema type definitions, element declarations and model groups. Factory methods for each of these are provided in this class.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectFactory

        public ObjectFactory()
        Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: gen.core.tbx
    • Method Detail

      • createHi

        public Hi createHi()
        Create an instance of Hi
      • createForeign

        public Foreign createForeign()
        Create an instance of Foreign
      • createBpt

        public Bpt createBpt()
        Create an instance of Bpt
      • createEpt

        public Ept createEpt()
        Create an instance of Ept
      • createPh

        public Ph createPh()
        Create an instance of Ph
      • createAdmin

        public Admin createAdmin()
        Create an instance of Admin
      • createAdminGrp

        public AdminGrp createAdminGrp()
        Create an instance of AdminGrp
      • createNote

        public Note createNote()
        Create an instance of Note
      • createRef

        public Ref createRef()
        Create an instance of Ref
      • createXref

        public Xref createXref()
        Create an instance of Xref
      • createDate

        public Date createDate()
        Create an instance of Date
      • createDescrip

        public Descrip createDescrip()
        Create an instance of Descrip
      • createTransac

        public Transac createTransac()
        Create an instance of Transac
      • createLangSet

        public LangSet createLangSet()
        Create an instance of LangSet
      • createTig

        public Tig createTig()
        Create an instance of Tig
      • createTerm

        public Term createTerm()
        Create an instance of Term
      • createTermNote

        public TermNote createTermNote()
        Create an instance of TermNote
      • createNtig

        public Ntig createNtig()
        Create an instance of Ntig
      • createTermGrp

        public TermGrp createTermGrp()
        Create an instance of TermGrp
      • createTermComp

        public TermComp createTermComp()
        Create an instance of TermComp
      • createMartif

        public Martif createMartif()
        Create an instance of Martif
      • createFileDesc

        public FileDesc createFileDesc()
        Create an instance of FileDesc
      • createTitle

        public Title createTitle()
        Create an instance of Title
      • createP

        public P createP()
        Create an instance of P
      • createChange

        public Change createChange()
        Create an instance of Change
      • createText

        public Text createText()
        Create an instance of Text
      • createBody

        public Body createBody()
        Create an instance of Body
      • createBack

        public Back createBack()
        Create an instance of Back
      • createItemSet

        public ItemSet createItemSet()
        Create an instance of ItemSet
      • createItem

        public Item createItem()
        Create an instance of Item
      • createItemGrp

        public ItemGrp createItemGrp()
        Create an instance of ItemGrp